CH129:  Team Visit

This is a passion work. So, I would really appreciate it if you leave behind a review when you're done reading. Also, don't forget to vote and support the book.



The girl smiled as she lost consciousness.

Korede also had a smile on his face.

Unfortunately, the smile soon wiped off his face.

He had carried the girl out of the lawn, just in time to see the last two recruits walking over. They were nonchalantly chatting and laughing. They didn't even notice they passed Korede.

"Hey, you two."

The two boys froze when they heard Korede's voice from behind. They slowly turned around and saw him carrying the fainted girl.

"The two of you go home. Don't ever return to my group again." He said plainly.

He walked past them.

The duo was frozen in shock. They only came to their senses when Korede passed them.