CH407: Last Stand

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CH407: Last Stand

"Give us the traitors and you will not be harmed. You will be allowed to leave the city with a full escort from the Libyan Army. Refuse and you shall meet the same fate as them. You have five minutes to decide." The Major spoke through a megaphone.

The civilians were shaken by their words.

"Calm down, people. We're not giving up anyone. And no one is getting hurt." Bravo team leader said to them.

Alpha and Charlie teams arrived at that moment.

"Anyone hurt?" Korede asked.

"Nah, just a flesh wound." One of the Charlie team members said when his team turned to him.

A bullet had grazed his left arm during the earlier confrontation.

"What about you?" Korede asked the middle aged VIP.

"I'm fine." The man replied.