CH490: Lazarus

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CH490: Lazarus

"My husband was 'Abi' or 'Baba' while your father was 'Dad'. She saw him as her father just as much as my husband."

Abdul-Lateef inwardly heaved a sigh of relief after finding out the truth.

He may not understand why his father kept this whole life hidden from him and his mother, he didn't mind so much. He at least knew that his father was still the same good man he always knew him to be.

-What do you think? Do you know why your father kept this part of his life a secret? - Temitope asked.

-I can't think of anything. - Abdul-Lateef replied.

-Omar Azan was likely to be a spy for us. And your father was likely to be his handler.-

-No. That's impossible. My dad doesn't work in Intelligence. He's a soldier.-