CH557: Treaty and Future 

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CH557: Treaty and Future 

"So, what does the treaty have in store for me?"

"There are a number of options for you.

"First, you can announce your breakthrough, then register in the National Grandmaster Registry. This way, you'd be set for life. You won't have to work again. The catch is that you'll have to resign from all your current duties and give up any activities that can be seen as antagonistic to other nations. There's also the little condition that you can be called to duty in case of a Crusade or the nation is in trouble."

"I'll accept the call of duty regardless of any program I'm in, but I can't give up my activities. They're far too important." Korede said without much thought.

"Yeah, I expected that." Bolaji nodded. "The other option is to skate the lines."