CH603: Target Acquired


CH603: Target Acquired

-Where are we?- Korede asked.

-Your trackers are reading from what looks like a subways station.- Champion replied.

-Which station?-

-You're close to the Trafalgar entrance of Charing Cross station.-

-Then we must currently be in a station service tunnel close to the Trafalgar square.-

-We're close to your location. We can see the entrance to the service tunnel. It's clear.- Temitope's voice sounded.

-Copy that. We're coming up.-

Korede and Fatima walked out the door at the end of the tunnel. They made their way out of the subway rails' service tunnel through a metallic door in a tunnel between two building above ground, not far from the square's subway entrance.

The two Alphas knew the square was close by as they saw people congregating together to sing hymns, it seemed.

The team's vehicle parked off just before the alley.