CH632: Last Stand III


CH632: Last Stand III


A few moments earlier

-Balogun, you said his Will Ability converts every physical attack to a blast defence, right?- Temitope.

-That was when he was still a Master. It seems now he can generate the blast himself.- Korede.

-Yeah, his application improved but the basis should still be the same right? He's not going to get an entirely new ability from becoming a Grandmaster.-

-I guess so. He'll only have more control due to better Energy Control.- Korede said as he mused what Temitope was getting at. Then, it struck him. -You're right. His ability didn't change. He still converting Kinetic Energy from contact to Thermal Energy. Only that before he has to be attacked, but now, he can generate the energy from anything making contact with him and convert it to thermal energy, including Air particles!-