CH644: Leader of the State


CH644: Leader of the State

"A state?" - Abdul-Lateef. "Wouldn't that mean we'll be going against our oath? That's treason!"

"It's not to that extent. While I called it a State, it's not like we'll be founding a new country or anything like that. In practice, what we'll be creating is a cross-border organisation. We'll have members from any country in the world. The members will still maintain their citizenships in the prior country while being foremost loyal to our organisation because of the mandate it has."

"And the mandate is?" – Fatima.

"Protecting our planet from whatever the Initiative has planned. The fact that they've been knowingly using something that harms our planet like Chaos Energy, creating conflicts and unrest world over shows whatever they have planned, world domination or world destruction, can't be for the good of the planet."

"So, we are creating a heroic organisation?" - Temitope.