CH646: The Unusual Birth of a State


CH646: The Unusual Birth of a State

"I believe Atlas will still have a stronger presence than necessary even with this measure. So, I think we need to break the Firm. Or rather I should say, we will transfer some of its current responsibilities to another Firm we'll be creating.

"This firm will be a Finance Firm. I think Midas is a good name. Midas will take up all of Atlas' responsibilities related to Finances and Securities. It will operate with the same formula of a web of companies controlled by the central background group. It sole focus will be on making money all over the world from the markets. Like the myth, everything Midas touches should turn to gold."

"No matter how you put it, it just means more work for me. At least, tell me I have help." Mary glared at the leader who was piling more and more work on her plate.