CH673: Dark History; Martial Union! 


CH673: Dark History; Martial Union! 

Korede returned to the living room with old man Hattori.

"You did that on purpose, right, Teacher?"

"Haha, you noticed?"

"I doubt the Assou Clan Head missed it either. It was so obvious." Korede rolled his eyes. "So, why did you do it?"

"For this scroll!"

Korede looked at the mostly plain scroll. The only thing special about it was the crest of the Yamato dynasty engraved onto its two wooden spines.

"The scroll doesn't have an official name, however with it, a member of the Yamato Imperial Clan can obtain any item they want within Japan!"

"Anything?!" Korede was shocked.

"In practice, there are limits to what the scroll can be used to obtain. For example, strategic military goods like missiles, nuclear or not, can't be obtained with the scroll."

Korede nodded in understanding. That made sense.