CH678: Incarnations and Gaia  


CH678: Incarnations and Gaia 

Fatima had her hands full with watching over her Beast Companions and managing the development of Pantheon's Gaia wing.

She spent most of her time within the {Dimension} to take care of her Beast Companions.

The juvenile beasts were at a stage where they needed strict attention from her.

Beasts needed a large amount of energy to grow. So, Fatima placed her Beast Companions in the Energy Station assigned to her within the {Dimension}. The Station could more than provide for the juveniles' immediate rapid development.

Thanks to Fatima's Spirit Beasts, which possessed the Beast Companions, the beasts companions had no problems drawing in the energy around them to strengthen themselves.

The Inheritance Scroll within Fatima's mindspace passed on a Beast Tempering Manual to her. This manual included basic knowledge on all the six paths which combined to become Fatima's current path.