CH683: Strong Institutions  


[A.N: This chapter was sponsored by DreadfulBogan!!]

CH683: Strong Institutions 

"Champ, any news on your new project? We have high hopes for it." – Korede.

"Thanks to the {Archive}, we have some theories on how to solve the problems currently hampering the world's progress in Nuclear Fusion technology as well as its related research and technologies. The problem is that we have to brush up our knowledge to where the world stands. We can't build a proper functioning reactor from scratch ourselves if we don't have a complete grasp of the basics."

"So, you just have the answers to push the world's limitations ahead. You don't actually understand the nuances of the tech yourselves. Am I right?"

"In a loose nutshell, yes."

"Hmm... How long do you think it will take to remedy this?"

"It's uncertain. Anywhere from three months to a year. Possibly more, if unforeseen circumstances come to play."