CH686: Horus’ Flex


CH686: Horus' Flex

Combined Refugee Camp, Tigray, Ethiopia.

An armed force numbering about two hundred troops belonging to Horus International Defence Solutions arrived at the recent warzone in the Tigray region of Ethiopia.

The HI-Def Soln Troops along with their equipment, hardware and supplies disembark from two Chinook helicopters and a C5 cargo plane, much to the surprise of their onlookers, both friendlies and otherwise.

The three aircrafts together cost HI-Def Soln a pretty penny... over half a billion dollars.

Korede, Patterson and the other leaders at HI-Def Soln intentionally used these iconic aircrafts as transports for this mission. It achieved two purposes.

First, it was a show of their capabilities to Whitehall, which definitely had an officer watching their every move.

Second, it was to discourage an attack on the refugee camp under their protection.

In essence, both purpose boiled down to a show of force.