CH690: The Liberators 


CH690: The Liberators 

Late in the evening close to sundown, a helicopter landed on an open area behind Eshonov's compound.

Eshonov accompanied by four other men left through the compound's back door to meet the arriving helicopter.

A man and woman, both of Latino origin disembarked from the aircraft.

"Welcome, I'm pleased to finally meet you." Eshonov greeted his guests.

"Mr Eshonov, I hope we can conclude the transaction by this time tomorrow." The male guest said.

"Straight to business I see. I respect that." Eshonov smiled like a veteran businessman should. "Since you've trusted me enough to come here and broker the sale for you. I can guarantee that you'll receive the best deal for your product. Those I contacted for the auction have the deepest pockets as well as the highest interest for what you have to offer."

"Good. I don't doubt you. We wouldn't be here otherwise."