CH694: Cold Reality


CH694: Cold Reality

The camp in Ethiopia wasn't HI-Def Soln's only active mission.

The Private Military Company which started incognito in the deserts of Wadistan has spread its reach mainly across the African continent. 

The improvement in the standards of the Wadistan Armed Forces was obvious to those with interest in the country. 

What started with interest and contracts from the gold merchants in the country with ties to the military soon expanded to a small but significant clientele across major business players on the continent.

At the moment, HI-Def Soln's forces carried out all manners of mercenary contracts spread over the length and breadth of the continent.

Africa was a relatively peaceful continent as a whole, however, an innumerable amount of tribes and ethnicities in each and every nation meant it was also relatively tense security-wise. Land disputes and ethnic rivalries were not uncommon.