CH728: Operation Troy 


CH728: Operation Troy 


The gunmen were obviously the members of the Bravo Squad while the woman leading them was Isis. 

This Op turned out to be the one with the most deployed Bravo Squad members for a single mission. Almost fifty members of the Bravo squad were deployed. That's almost half of the Squad in Syria!

The Bravos split into two halves. One half of more than twenty men packed into the truck to replace the traffic victims. The other half spread out amongst the SUVs in the convoy.

Isis didn't join them. Her part was only to make contact with Nizar. She joined Adlib in the group taking the traffic victims and their traffickers elsewhere.


"We are about to enter Aleppo." The Bravo in the lead vehicle reported on Comms.


"Be advised, we are five minutes out from target location."
