CH732: Verdict On the Khalifa Family  


CH732: Verdict On the Khalifa Family 


Two days later, Riad Khalifa sat in his study with a glass of scotch in one hand and a cigar in the other. He sucked on the cigar and released a puff as the events of the last two days came pouring in.

He received a call from the trusted associate he sent to bring back his nephews that they were found dead in the safehouse factory.

Any chance of clearing the Khalifa name went up in smoke with their deaths. His other chance of saving the family, by offering the brothers or one of them to the ruling powers, also disappeared as well.

He had to bury his nephews alone the previous day. He didn't allow any other family member to be present. 

Or rather, he didn't even tell any other family that the brothers were dead.

There was no choice. 

Instead of having them come for the funeral, he ordered his men to get his children and grandchildren into hiding.