CH739: The Report: Electricity Storage & Transmission 


CH739: The Report: Electricity Storage & Transmission 

"If I may, I advice we not tow a line that will gain us enemies."

"Then, you have a better idea?"

"Another one to explore, yes." Julia's eyes shined with intelligent splendour. "A different alternative is to keep the patent ownership and company separate. 

"The research institute, Minerva, can keep ownership of the patent and license it out. We can establish an 'unrelated' company which will license the product like everyone else. This will build Minerva's reputation in the scientific community, possibly bringing in better brains to it. On the other hand, our electronic company can rub off the reputation of the tech giants by being named as one of the few, elite names with the Solar cell technology without making any enemies in the process."

Mary thought over it. The idea was sound. With a few tweaks and modifications, Pantheon would derive max advantage from it.