CH765: Inevitable Circumstances


CH765: Inevitable Circumstances

The Bravos confronting the likely-Bloodfallen mercenaries in the proximity of the bunker still had little luck getting past the mercenaries leaders near impervious right vortex shield. 

The left attack vortex also did a number in pinning them down. 

The situation frustrated the Bravos a fair bit as they saw the progress of the other mercenary drawing to conclusion. 

Their chances of survival dropped with each passing second.

"Bravo 1 & 2, be advised. Address from the Army General." The Horus Support Officer suddenly informed the two teams on Comms.


"Bravo 1 & 2, you need to hold on for a while. A gunship is being dispatched to your location to aid you. ETA is unfortunately unclear at the moment." Abdul-Lateef's voice sounded in their ears.

The latter part of his statement wasn't what they wanted to here.