CH784: Path of a War General  


CH784: Path of a War General 

What influenced the path one progressed on the Path of Power?

There were many things that could play a part, but crudely the influences mentioned would be experiences, Will and Will abilities.

What was Horus' Esprit du Corps?

A network of the Wills of the tens of thousands of people who identified themselves as members of Pantheon's Horus wing, and also took pride in this identity. 

For now, none of these Horus members had manifested their Wills, so every Will in the network was individually weak. But as a whole, the Will strength of this Will network wasn't something a Master's Will could compare to.

Sure, for its size, the efficiency of its Will strength usage couldn't compare to a proper Will user's, but the sheer power of its Will strength made up for the loss of efficiency.


Abdul-Lateef was surprised by the sudden appearance of this new variable to his progression process.