CH823: Uncommon Interrogation


CH823: Uncommon Interrogation


At the same time Horus Forward Camp, Oasis, was receiving Intel from Alpha Platoon's Team 6, one of Charlie Company's Vanguard APCs-accompanying platoons, Platoon 2, just wrapped up a successful counter-ambush against a group of Bedlam hostiles.

The Platoon leader ordered half of his platoon to scout ahead and form a defence line while the other half swept the previous combat area for stragglers and injured colleagues.

All the while, the Platoon leader's expression maintained a subtle frown.

"Something is off." He muttered to himself.

"Sir, we've caught the leader of the enemy unit." He received some good news on Comms.

"I'm coming to you." He responded.

'Hopefully, he can shed some light on what's bothering me.' 


The Platoon leader walked down the street with destroyed buildings to the most intact one.