CH836: Battle for the Friv Gap I


CH836: Battle for the Friv Gap I

The Horus machine of war got ready for another battle in Bazaar.

The battle at the Friv gap was expected to be the curtain raiser to the final battle at the West Barricade point.

All the preparations for the battle was done in all seriousness.

Reinforcements from Fort Bacre and Darham incursion teams arrived just before nightfall. They were led by the two Protégés credited for the victory on the two fronts.

Finally, a few hours to sunrise, the Horus-Militia moved out towards the Friv gap. The plan was to begin the battle for the gap at sunrise.

Many of the Horus members, including the Alphas, hoped the war in Bazaar would end this day or the next. While not as much as the militia, Horus also suffered significant casualties. 

Even the advanced training and technological superiority of HI-Def Soln couldn't prevent the reality of death on its side in this war.