CH875: Reason for Suppression 


CH875: Reason for Suppression 

"I'm disappointed in you, kid. I didn't expect such naivety from you." – Kashimawo.

Korede clenched his fist. He knew what Kashimawo meant, but he wanted to stay in denial.

Unfortunately, it was a General's responsibility to enlighten his juniors, and an elder brother's duty to burst a younger brother's bubble of naivety. 

Kashimawo wasn't going to let Korede have his way.

"Not everyone in power cares about the masses. These people got to their current positions for their self-interest alone. You will have these kinds of people everywhere, be it in the military, amongst the politicians, and even within our Family. This is the reality of humanity. Don't close your eyes to it because you do not wish to see it. You will only be allowing these people to consume you without putting up a fight, just as they are prepared consume the masses who can't fight to fuel their ambition."