CH881: Chaotic Premonition


CH881: Chaotic Premonition

"Ah, that..." Korede smiled wryly. "I got a disturbing premonition just as I was about to enter the house."

He paused for a moment which caused his teammates to feel an air of suspense.

"The Global three months of chaos... the bloody three months... the world's quarter of war. Whatever name you choose to call it, I have an ominous premonition that Pantheon -and by extension, us- will somehow get pulled into all the conflicts which marred the three months.

"I have a gut feeling if we continue as is, we'll be moving from one conflict to another like a perpetual cycle. This is the only chance we have to break that cycle. Intentionally or not, I was the one who dragged you all into this. I don't want shuttling through different battlefields to become your life if I can help it."