CH889: Overblown Misunderstanding  


CH889: Overblown Misunderstanding 

"In the last two months, the country faced a total of 22 major security incident. Thanks to the efforts of my department, Oracle, our sister Intel outfits and other relevant authorities, we were able to stop 14 of those incidents before they even happened. 

"We have reason to believe 5 out of the remaining 8 incidents that were successfully carried out were fallouts of incidents we successfully prevented. Intel we have shows that the insurgent groups responsible for these 5 attacks had also a previous plan amongst the 14 that were prevented. There was no warning nor signs of these incidents before they were carried out so we believe they occurred spontaneously without any prior planning." DG Aribisala reported.

His underlying message was clear.

'We couldn't have prevented these incidents beforehand because even the insurgents themselves didn't know they were going to carry them out.'