CH913: Mantle of Leadership


CH913: Mantle of Leadership

The people in the study heard sirens approaching their location.

They weren't the only ones who heard it. The hostiles also heard it. Their efforts to breach the barricade slowed down as they likely contemplated between continuing their efforts or readying for the incoming 'police'.

"Front, now! Hold them off!" The hostile leader finally gave the order. "You three! Continue. Finish the mission!"

Leaving just three of his men by the steel barricade, the hostile leader led his men towards the front of the villa where they readied to receive the newly arrived 'policemen'.

Meanwhile, inside the study, the guests celebrated the arrival of law enforcement. Even the DSS Special Agents heaved a sigh of relief.

That said, they wondered how the police or whichever law enforcement that arrived knew they were in trouble. Their arrival time suggests they were aware of their predicament ahead of time.