CH922: Interrogation II


CH922: Interrogation II

Ali Musa was incredibly solemn. In fact, his internal mood could be described as being grave.

The Army, and as well the other wings of the Armed Forces, are praised for many good deeds they've done for the country. Some even see the military as a beacon of unity and a custodian of the people's way of life.

However, for all the good the military does, it also has its excesses.

One of which is that the three wings of the Nigerian Armed Forces are very vindictive.

The Ministry of Defence and the military wings subordinate to it don't take lightly to traitors to the State, especially if the said traitor was a former serviceman.

In addition to strong punishment for the traitor themselves, the Ministry also blacklists their immediate family to two generations, close relatives -sometimes even all blood relatives-, friends and known associates, and even close neighbours.