CH984: Cartel Fireworks


CH984: Cartel Fireworks


{A.Q: Don't drop your weapon because your enemy smiled.}



Temitope opened fire on the Sicarios who shot Dario Ruiz.

The Psychic Grandmaster noticed the Sicarios intended to gun down Dario, but chose not to help him.

Not just a traitor like Dario, Temitope didn't intend to help any of the Depot guards nor employees.

He had no obligation to.

As far as he was concerned, they knew the risks when they decided to work for the cartel. None of the people working at the depot were forced.

So, in his mind, if they had enjoyed the boon that came with working for the cartel, who was he to stop them from enjoying the dangers as well.

If they somehow managed to survive, then good for them. If they died, it wasn't his problem.