CH1037: Moral Dilemma


CH1037: Moral Dilemma


{A.N: Bad communication ends a lot of good things. Effective communication is a major tool in life.}

{This chapter is sponsored by Dragonlord69. Enjoy the chapter!}


City of Warri, Delta State, Nigeria.

Delta State and Edo state were neighboring states so the Alphas' journey from Benin City to Warri was a relatively short one.

The Alphas arrived in the economic heartland of Delta State after a two and half hour journey.

The bustling streets of Warri which almost rivalled that of Benin City could fool one into thinking that like Benin, it was its State's Capital. However, that wasn't true.

That said, Warri firmly secured its place as one of the biggest commercial hubs in the country besides the likes of Lagos, Kano, Onitsha and Aba. The city was a beehive of economic activity almost everywhere one turned.