CH1075: Work Synergy


CH1075: Work Synergy


A few minutes earlier...

Champion and Mary, with the help of some junior Marines, brought back their luggage to the Barrack No 001.

The building was used by the highest officers and leaders amongst the Marines. It obviously had the best quarters on the base.

Mary and Champion, the married couple, took one of the quarters while they settled the other Alphas' luggage into individual quarters.

Champion almost immediately got back to working on the simulation program while Mary prepared something for them to eat from the things in the Warehouse storage in the {Dimension}. Fortunately the quarters had a kitchen, although it was only equipped with the bare basics but it was enough for her to whip up something for them to eat.

Alpha Zero already confirmed there were no cameras in the quarters so she was quite liberal about taking things from the {Dimension}.