CH1092: Samaale Shamans


CH1092: Samaale Shamans

Shaman Village, Bal-ad Nature Reserve, Bal-ad, Somalia.

Time: 5:25 am.

Operation Typhoon Time: 10 hrs 25 min/ 100 hrs


The Alphas silently watched as the Panther Spirit fulfilled its side of the agreement. Fatima closely monitored the entire process.

Since the Feline Beast Soul was her Soul -or rather an extension of it- everything the Feline Beast Soul learnt from the Panther, she could scrutinise in real time.

To her surprise, the Panther Spirit didn't just give out information on the so-called Shamans and their hideout locations, it also gave out information on Soul manipulation techniques it picked up after coming to the material realm.

The Spirit closely guarded information on its native Spirit realm, but was very forthcoming with almost every piece of relevant information it learnt in the material realm!