CH1122: Shaman Hunting Operation: Defence Bulwark!


CH1122: Shaman Hunting Operation: Defence Bulwark!

*(Bonus: 4/6)*

At the same time when the Alphas began their battle with Ladarael and the Central Shaman Chief Priest, the Frogmen also commenced their raid on a number of targeted Shaman bases.


Along the western bank of the Shebelle River, two teams of Frogmen approached a riverside settlement from the water.

The two Frogmen teams made their approach along the river on inflatable Zodiac boats.

Once they got close enough to the village, they dived into the River and stealth swam the rest of the way to the village.

If one looked at the river from a birds eye view, one would quickly realize that there was one more figure swimming alongside the two teams of twelve Frogmen.

As they approached, the Frogmen saw two hostiles on the river bank.

"Take them out." Sage 1-1 said on Comms.

Two members of his team lined up their shots.

Psst! Psst!