CH1154: Invading Force Retreats
{A.Q: Your background is your foundation, not your limitation. Build on it, don't be bound by it.}
{Enjoy the chapter!}
"Wow, we have been coming across some novel-worthy stories since we arrived in Somalia." Champion commented after listening to Fatima's recount. "By the way, Fadumo iyo Farax are mythological being in Somali Folklore. So is Buuti as well."
"I guess we can't continue to dismiss all folklores as false." Mary said.
"We can believe all of them as true either. Even the ones we can identify as true, will have many elements of it which are false." Temitope countered.
Korede didn't bother getting into the debate.
"What about this Spirit of Obsession? Where is she now? Is she a threat or an ally?" He instead asked.
"Neither. Her existence became obsolete after I accepted the legacy knowledge. She no longer exists."