CH1189: Information Warfare Gameplan 


CH1189: Information Warfare Gameplan 

Temitope's attention was on the Intel analysts working in the situation room.

He had seen the Horus Operatives work before. He knew how good they were at their job so he wasn't that interested in their Operation beyond knowing the result. He was more interested in the work of the Intel analysts, particularly how they took advantage of the resources available at their disposal.

To be honest, he was a little disappointed. Erebus' Intel officers and analysts could do far better.

Then he thought back to the proposed joint basic training program for Erebus and Horus recruits. He realised it could be a good opportunity to extend it to other fields which crossed within the two organisations.

Erebus could help Horus beef up the skill of its Intel analysts, the same way Horus could help improve a number of the Erebus combat operative's combat knowledge.