CH1194: Royal Escort Service II


CH1194: Royal Escort Service II


{A.Q: There are heights and opportunities you will never attain if you don't understand the power of keeping valuable relationships.}

{Enjoy the chapter!}


Jaga 3 and Jaga 6 came up on their objective at the owner's lodge.

As expected most of the men onsite had gone to chase down the fleeing couple. Only a few men were left with the King of Spade.

By the time they got to the owner's lodge the perimeter around the area was sparsely guarded. Only two hostiles warily patrolled the area. The rest had gone to chase down the couple.

It was much too easy for Jaga 3 and Jaga 6 to assault the duo from behind and neutralise them.

Then they moved themselves into position to scout out the occupants of the lodge building through the windows from two angles.

"I see four targets including the King of Spade." Jaga 6 said.

"Same." Jaga 3 responded. "Let's move."