CH1218: Mechanic Vs Mercenary I


CH1218: Mechanic Vs Mercenary I


{A.Q: Except they owe you money. Two call attempts are enough. If they value you, they will call you back.}

{Enjoy the chapter!}



Mechanical parts along with pieces of flesh and bone were sent flying.

The Mechanic had to raise a wall of metallic parts to protect the rest of the lab from the explosion.

"What happened? Why did it fail?" The Mechanic muttered to himself.

"You forgot a basic principle." Zolt who was not far from him answered with a laugh. "You were so fixated on using the Shard of the Life Crystal that you forgot the crystal is an energy source which continuously releases energy when in connection with an organic process. You actually put it in a human being, an entity composed entirely of never-ending organic processes. What did you expect to happen?"

"I see..." Realisation dawned on the Mechanic.