The Confused Mo Chen


Mo Chen woke up with a startle. His forehead had a frown that showed his confusion which vanished away soon as he started to remember soon in what kind of situation he was in at this moment.

Looking down at his hands and feet that were tied with a rope completely, he bit her lips as his eyes started to go teary.

He could feel the pain in his temple and cheek and that made him remember how he was slapped heavily when he had tried to run away. The slap was so heavy that he couldn't control his body and fell down on the ground with his temple hitting a big stone.

He also remembered that when he had touched his temple he had found blood on his hand. However, what happened after that was completely unknown to him as he went unconscious just at that moment.

"Jiejie…Mom… "

Mo Chen whispered to himself as a big fat tear fell down from one of his eyes.

His sister and mother will be looking for him, right?