He Jian Meets Mo Roulan

A black huge car stopped outside the hospital that was owned by Fang Zhihan.

Chu Feng immediately got out of the car and walked towards the back seat to open the gate for his boss. However, He Jian was faster than him.

The door opened almost instantly and Chu Feng saw his boss running inside the hospital like a wind.

It took Chu Feng a few moments to register what had just happened.

And when he did he also ran inside the hospital to follow his boss.

There he saw his boss pressing the buttons of the elevator frantically but the three elevators the ground floor had …all of them were occupied.

The next moment, He Jian suddenly turned around and ran towards the stairs, and again Chu Feng saw him disappearing like a wind in front of his eyes.

They were to go to the eighth floor.

Would the boss go there by the stairs?