Tian Yuan's Horrible Past(1)

(Six Years Ago)

Tian Yuan smiled as he exited his house.

He sniffed the muffler hanging on his neck. It smelled like that annoying boy.

The boy whom he used to find so annoying before that he used to run away at his sight but now the things were different.

He somehow has started to like him(Liu Ji Fan) being around him.

If someone had told Tian Yuan a year ago that he would come to like the school bully one day then he would have perhaps slapped that person until he would become dizzy.

Because at that time, he wanted nothing except to get rid of that annoying boy. 

Tian Yuan hummed happily as he walked forward.

He hmphed to himself as he remembered Liu Ji Fan's serious face from yesterday morning as the boy had told him that he will wait for him at their special place.

If he didn't come then he will stop troubling him from today on though he loved him a lot.