Should Shen Weisheng Stop Shen Youlin?

There was a very cold silence between He Jian and Shen Weisheng after whatever the latter said. 

It was after a long time, He Jian coldly spat out. 

"Why would Lanlan refuse to accept my feelings?"

He Jian couldn't really think of any reason. However, the mere mention that Mo Roulan could refuse to accept his feelings bothered him very much and it could be seen very nicely from his cold face. 

"There can be many reasons."

Shen Weisheng also pointed out actively. 

"The most prominent reason can be the difference between your age. You are at least five or six years older than her, Jian."

A frown marred He Jian's forehead at these words. 

He had actually thought about this but he had also researched. After his research, He Jian had found that there are actually many couples who are married despite the large age gaps and living happily. 

Lanlan's and his age gap was just six years!