Shen Yiling Is Refused By Wang Weimin

Wang Weimin frowned as he looked at Shen Yiling. 

He had always felt that Shen Zhialn was partial to her other children. She cared for Shen Yiling but she didn't pay much attention to Shen Youlin and Shen Weisheng. 

Since the day he had realized that, he had tried his best to fill the space in children's life as a father. 

It was never because he considered his relationship with Shen Zhilan true but it was because he yearned for his own children. Since he couldn't be there for them, he could only try to find some solace in Shen Zhilan's children. 

However, Shen Weisheng and Shen Youlin had never been close to him …regardless of how much he tried they never got close to him. 

But Shen Yiling accepted him quite easily.