Kim's Family.

Meanwhile, in the basement, Hendra felt desperate, he had become a prisoner in a place he did not know. He was guarded by dozens of well-built security.

He wasn't treated badly at that place. He may leave the place, but the security parties do not guarantee his safety if he is outside the place. But in that place did not make it comfortable, he had lost his freedom. But which one is better to lose freedom or lose his life. The big boss, whose face he never saw though. The big boss always wears a mask when meeting him using a voice registration so he can't also recognize his voice. But he knew the characteristics of his boss. One of them was a big boss who only had 4 fingers in his left hand, the little finger in his boss's left hand broke up. He always wears black gloves from the skin. That's all you can know from the boss. Gibson's men tried to find information about the big boss meant by Hendra. However, Hendra did not have more concrete information about the person who tried to kill Gibson. For the time being, they decided not to discuss this first but it did not mean to stop the investigation and did not make a careless, making it easier for the opponent to attack every occasion. Gibson decided to fish them to the surface and show his face.


Opa Kim One's residence house. Midnight in the workspace Opa Kim. Gibson asked Opa Kim One, whether Opa Kim had relatives or au employees in his company who lost the little finger on the left. Opa Kim One ensured that in his family there were no children born with defects or had an accident that removed the little finger. Likewise, Light Mr. Alvi Kim has examined all data employees companies throughout Indonesia or abroad, there are no employees of their company who have a disability such as what is meant by Gibson. Then who was the man and why he wanted to kill Gibson? "Dad, what should you have children besides me in the out there?" His father Gibson was upset as he was asked so.

"Yes, it's not ... just carelessly! If you hear this, he must be angry with Papi. Then he thought Daddy had cheated!" Mr. Alvi's angry.

"Just joked by Dad!" Gibson laughed amused. Opa Kim One follows laughing. Beyond the expectations of everyone, the three important people in this family of Kim can be joking and familiar like this. Outsiders who have never seen them can be involved in talks that are so serious and relaxed like a family who loves each other. Even the household assistant at home has never seen their familiarity. They always look formal when in front of others. Opa Kim One is very serious in front of everyone. Even people think Opa Kim looks cruel and scary. Jason and Nelly even never be close and harmonious like that. Only the core family can see their familiarity. Anyways in the house, the Opa Kim office room included a room that the assistant should not be entered without the Opa Kim did not stop investigating and analyzing every possible possibility and possibly to attack himself again or the person closest to him. That is why he closes information with Nesia. Only to Mrs. Ros just Gibson told me about the relationship. This is to maintain the safety of Nesia. It could be that the criminals entered the house of the residence of Opa Kim, didn't they know the criminals came from their people or outsiders? Everything is still dark, and it can't be predicted whether their movement has stopped or they just died alone, to make new steps and strategies and confront them later on.


Jason and his allies felt pinned who could not do much to fight the lower current power owned by Gibson. Gibson has pocketed 100 new contracts that will make the company bigger. The contract value was very large compared to the contract value owned by Jason, only a time, after going through the verification stages of the Company's leadership and a joint meeting of shareholders. Furthermore, Jason was not confident anymore compete with Gibson. Moreover, Gibson was supported by Opa Kim.

Jason gave up. He did not want to lose more important opportunities in the company if he continued to compete to seize the position of President Director of Gibson's hand, he made his destruction efforts and that meant he lost many opportunities in the company. Better Jason chose another way to reach the position. So when the company's leadership meeting decided to make Gibson as president director, no one tried to oppose the position taken by Gibson. So thus, Refineahorized Gibson replaced Opa Kim in the company as President Director.


So far, for months, Nesia did not know who he was, what his position in the house, he also did not know that Esmeralda was his biological mother, and the president of the president was his husband. Nesia is still a girl who acts as an Opa Kim nurse in the house, also lifted Opa Kim as her grandson. Nesia never knew that Opa Kim was her biological grandfather. If he is a stepfather with Shakira. Gibson himself was still confused looking for a way to explain his relationship with Nesia before his family. After all, Gibson never appeared before the family as grandchildren Opa Kim One. Nesia was very close to Gibson, instead,d they lived in the same place, but they never met at that place. Gibson just watching could be watching his wife from behind the monitoring camera installed in every corner of Kim's family residence.

Nelly forced Marlie's father to arrange his marriage with Gibson. But his father thought at this time was not the right time to talk about the match in front of his cousin and Opa Kim One. Nelly was annoyed with his father. Mr. Marlie Kim will look for opportunities for that purpose. But the opportunity never existed.
