We have to announce their marriage!"

"Opa... calm down, huh l... listen first, huh... here's the story...!" Gibson begins to tell.

Opa Kim One hit the table again.

"How dare you hide this from grandfather... Nesia's younger cousin... Esmeralda's child... you can't ...!"

Nesia could not believe her hearing. She fell unconscious. Gibson and Budi Sandi frantically caught Nesia's body which slumped to the floor.

Esmeralda sat on the edge of the bed looking sadly at Nesia's face. This girl in her life has never felt affection from him. When Nesia was born, he just left Nesia in the hands of Jody Sandi. The secret marriage between Esmeralda and Jody Sandi is only for a lifetime. Their love story ended when Jody Sandi's first wife found out that her husband had an affair with the son of the big boss where her husband worked. Esmeralda and Jody Sandi finally divorced

A heartbroken Esmeralda fled to America, her parents never knew that Esmeralda was married, pregnant and giving birth, divorced, heartbroken, running away. Esmeralda has a very introverted personality, even with her parents. He can only be open with Jody Sandi, they have been close since childhood. Jody Sandi married the girl of his parent's choice, but he is still in a relationship with Esmeralda. Both are desperate to marry secretly in Singapore. Esmeralda's father, Mr. Kim One, thought that Esmeralda went to Malaysia for students. He did not know that Esmeralda had gone to Malaysia to hide her pregnancy.

That's why he was devastated when he found out that Esmeralda had a child with Jody Sandi, he found out after Jody Sandi's family died due to a fire that killed the husband and wife.

It has been two days and two nights, Nesia has not yet regained consciousness, Esmeralda did not move by the side of the bed with tears in her eyes of regret. Her eyes were swollen, her body was weak. Doctor Marie is very worried about Esmeralda. She was worried that his brother-in-law would fall ill. Esmeralda refuses to eat or drink.

"Do you want to die after your daughter wakes up!" Oma guesses scolded him.

"You should be stronger and be prepared for punishment. By crying and not eating like this, Nesia will forgive you! You have to fight so that Nesia can be forgiven", said Oma Kira. Esmeralda realized.

She couldn't possibly waste time regretfully. She had to make it up.

In the corner of the treatment room, Budi Sandi was no less shaken than Nesia. He never thought that his beloved sister, the real blood and flesh of the Kim family

He gasped in disbelief at the story of his father's love affair with Mrs. Esmeralda. Their love story would not have been revealed had Nesia not appeared at the house to be Opa Kim One's nurse.

Now Gibson is not only his brother-in-law but he is also Nesia's cousin.

Next to Budi Sandi, Gibson sat anxiously. he felt guilty for not disclosing this to Budi Sandi before. All this time he was looking for the right way to convey to these two brothers. But he didn't know how to put it. Until finally Opa Kim One, who was shocked, accidentally revealed the secret in front of Nesia and Budi Sandi.

Another room, next to Nesia's treatment room at Kim hospital. Opa Kim One sat back on the sofa. He regretted revealing Nesia's secret without thinking. The old man sat in silence, next to him, sat Alvi Kim, accompanied him.

Alvi Kim was really surprised, suddenly she already had a son-in-law. Gibson is married, his wife is none other than his nephew. Gibson is similar to Esmeralda. Get married secretly. Is it because Gibson was close to his aunt as a child? They like to confuse families.

Alvi Kim can't stop thinking, why did Gibson marry Nesia? He had yet to hear the true story from Gibson.

Why didn't Gibson just come clean about his marriage? After all, he also did not mind accepting the marriage. After all, Nesia wasn't someone else, she was her nephew.

"Dad ... we have to announce their marriage!" said Alvi Kim suddenly. Opa Kim is surprised. Reflex Opa Kim hit his stick on Alvi Kim's head.

"Just make people shock!" Opa Kim said angrily.

"Owwuhh! Father!" Alvi Kim shouted while grimacing in pain. Alvi Kim rubbed his sore head. Already this old his father still likes to beat him. Doctor Marie, who had just entered the room, laughed at her. She often saw her husband being the target of her father-in-law's anger. His father-in-law did not hesitate to hit Alfi Kim's head with his stick. On the other hand, his father-in-law never hit his son Gibson Kim. Opa Kim One loves his grandson.

Opa Kim One has the same thoughts as Alvi Kim. They did have to announce the marriage.


A few days later,_

Opa Kim invited his extended family to have lunch at his house. In recent months Opa Kim One often invited his extended family to eat together.

This time this lunch was so very special. Opa Kim One instead made formal written invitations to each person in the Kim family.

What else did Opa Kim One want to say?

The invitation was recorded beautifully on red colored paper and covered in golden yellow paper.

Opa Kim One did not mention the agenda for the lunch together.

But since the luncheon was made official, of course, this made Kim's extended family wonder.

They never thought Opa Kim One would make some of his family members disappointed and heartbroken after that.