Looking for Nelly Kim

It's been 2 weeks, Opa Kim didn't see his grandson Nelly Aurora Kim visit his house. Usually, the girl would come for at most one week even if it was just showing jealousy with Shakira or with Nesia.

Since childhood, Nelly Kim spent her time at her house with Gibson and Jason Kim.

That day, Opa Kim One called Marlie Kim and his wife Imelda to ask for an explanation, where did Nelly Kim go. Marlie sat in front of Opa Kim One restlessly, as well as his wife. "What is wrong!" Opa Kim One said in a loud voice. The husband and wife cower in fear. They were afraid of getting angry with his uncle.

"Where did Nelly go?" he said again. Marlie and his wife must be hiding something.

"Uncle ... Nelly ... Nelly ... disappeared!" replied his wife tearfully. She could no longer hide it from Opa Kim One.

"Disappear... disappear... how...?!" Opa Kim One was confused and shocked. This husband and wife are hiding something from him.