Esmeralda will catch them

Esmeralda chose a seat in the boutique, from where she was now, she could observe the situation outside.

Kumar Sanjaya was seen leaving the hotel with a bright red face. He must be angry and embarrassed. after seeing the video Esmeralda sent.

Full video of what happened before and after the commotion at Joane's party.


Esmeralda took out her cell phone to call Aroan. Aroan's phone is off. Even though it had only been 20 minutes since Esmeralda saw Aroan enter the elevator at this hotel.

Her vision was clear, Aroan was wearing the same clothes as when he said goodbye to Bangka Belitung this afternoon.

"Calm down Elda...calm down! Patience...patience!" Esmeralda calmed herself down. Failed. Esmeralda's hands were shaking either from hunger or from stress from knowing Aroan's lie.

After calming down a bit. Esmeralda called the hotel receptionist not far from where she was sitting.