The proposed marriage contracts.

Shakira was confused.

" father Aroan Smith!"

"WHAT?! Shakira looks like she's been electrocuted. Shocked.

Her father, Aroan Smith had a child with Jannette Siregar.

Shah Reza's son!

Shakira was silent for a moment. She and Shah Reza are half brothers.

"Oh my God! Why is it like this?"_

Shakira used to like Shah Reza. Not anymore.

Unlike Shah Reza, this young man still likes Shakira. It's just that at that time Shakira was still a minor. Shah Reza and Shakira are 7 years apart in age. Now it's different of course, Shakira is already 17.

Previously, when he found out that he was Aroan Smith, Shah Reza was very surprised and disappointed. He was not disappointed that Aroan Smith was Shakira's father. The girl he liked turned out to be his sister. Shah Reza hated that.

But now he was happy, it turned out that he and Shakira were only half-brothers.