I came for Brenda

Kumar Sanjaya signed the agreement, giving half of Mr. Pratap Sanjaya's inheritance to Rachel Sanjaya and his children. The inheritance money was used by Brenda to acquit Nick Delon of all charges.

"What are your plans after this?" asked Grandpa Kim One.

"I want to take mom and Brenda overseas!" replied Nick Delon with a downcast face.

"But... first... I want to confess!" Nick Delon looked up.

Opa Kim One looked straight at the young man standing in front of him.

"Sit down!"

Nick Delon nodded. He pulled a chair, sat facing Opa Kim One.


Nick Delon took a deep breath,

"This is about what happened at Jody Sandi's house...!"

"So it's true that you burned the house down?"

"I almost got burned in that house!"

"You mean?" Opa Kim One studied Nick Delon's face. The young man raised his face, looking at Opa Kim One earnestly.

"I did tell people to burn the house down!"