Esmeralda arrested

Nora Sanjaya apologizes!"

"Is she the terrorist?" Jonas Kim is impatient, he is just like Imelda Kim, impatient.

"She confessed to telling people to put fake bombs in boutiques. But she didn't know the problem with broken car brakes!"

"You just believe it?" Imelda hit her thigh. She is excited about Nora Sanjaya.

"Did she also put poison in her husband's food and her aunt's drink?" said Jonas Kim angrily.

He had a thought, right now the Sanjaya family wanted to kill each other.

"Patience! We can't play accusations. Remember the presumption of innocence!" said Marlie Kim. He's a person who doesn't get emotional easily.

"Yes, you are right!" Jonas Kim admitted he was wrong.

Gibson reports,

"The poison in Kumar Sanjaya's food at a glance is similar to the poison in Aunt Rachel Sanjaya's body!" Gibson said.

They all turned to Gibson. Gibson will share the results of the internal investigation.