Kim's family is in danger!

Shakira moved to a chair in the lobby.

She was not used to sitting with other i people. Shakira didn't go to the treatment room.

She waited for Jason Kim to return. It's not good to be alone with Shah Reza.

Shah Reza will certainly invite Shakira to chat or ask various kinds of questions.

It's okay, but Shakira is lazy to talk to the guy.

If there is Jonas Kim, let Jonas Kim talk to Shah Reza.

The transgender woman who had been sitting next to Shakira was still there. She is engrossed in her cell phone.

Judging from his appearance, he was a rich man. Judging from the way she's dressed, that woman's hair is beautifully styled

broken white, making it beautiful and graceful.

Shakira doesn't care about the woman, it's just that she feels weird. The woman chose to sit next to Shakira, even though there were many empty seats in the lobby.

Shakira felt something bad. That transgender woman