We will try to get it!

One week later,

Since Nesia protested, Gibson no longer discussed the matter of Nick Delon or Sophia Stanley at home.

Even if he discussed this matter with Opa Kim One, then they discussed it in Opa Kim's room in the middle of the night.

Burhan came to Kim n Brother's office to make a report.

"We have news from the Philippines that Sophia Stanley's son has passed away!"

"Sophia Stanley's son?! Gibson was confused.

"Sophia Stanley and Nick Delon are married with children. I mean Nick Delon and Sophia Stanley, they each had children before marriage!"

"Oh. What caused Stanley's son to die?"

"Lung abnormalities!"

"Pity!" Gibson said that with a sincere heart. Human. A child Sophia Stanley has unusually. She deserves respect for her efforts to care for her son.

"What about Nick Delon's son?" Gibson was curious.