This is a strange task!

Shakira hits the bucket as a drum.


The sound of the bucket being hit.

"Announcement...the fish is cooked! The fish is cooked!"

Gibson came out of the cottage,

"Shakira...don't scream! Ghailan and Joon are sleeping!"

"Ha-ha-ha...let everyone wake up...let's get busy!" Shakira deliberately said loudly. So that Ghailan wakes up. The boy heard Shakira's aunt's voice, they had not seen each other for a long time.



"Dear Allah!" Nesia is shocked. Those were the first words Ghailan spoke.

Although happy, hearing her son's first words, Nesia was also sad, Ghailan didn't mention "mother" or "father" in the first word she said. She said "aunt".


Ghailan got out of bed, out of the room. Nesia followed in Ghailan's footsteps.


"Ghailan... What did you say earlier!" Shakira couldn't believe it.